
This section has been revised. I am now including the positions on these issues that the other senator candidates shared If you want my position on an issue, please ask.


-Alaskans must go back to normal work (shared by Republican winner)

-Fair Elections and More Choices (shared by Democratic candidate, but was a vote winner combining our vote totals. Ballot Measure 2 passed.)

-No more Binding Caucus (winner)

-Protect All Rights for All Individuals (mixed bag, winner is against reproductive rights for women.)

-Due Process in Family Courts (neither of my opponents cared)

-Full PFD without Harmful Cuts (winner)

-Less K-12 Education Administration for more Quality Teaching (not popular this legislative session.)

-Bring the Legislature to the Road System for Part of Session (winner has stated his support of this recently)

-Respect employees’ right to unionize (supported by losing Democratic candidate, not discussed in legislature)

-Fiscally frugal but balanced budget (winner supports this)

-Responsible and Sustainable Resource Development (supported by all candidates)